Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I actually like the beginning part of Havamal the best, because of the varied topics in short snippets, some of which are really striking. My two favorites both have to do with friendship and I think that they are great sentiments and are just as wise today as they were when they were written.

34. Crooked and far | is the road to a foe,
Though his house on the highway be;
But wide and straight | is the way to a friend,
Though far away he fare.

47. Young was I once, | and wandered alone,
And nought of the road I knew;
Rich did I feel | when a comrade I found,
For man is man's delight.

Speaking of wisdom, I notice that a lot of the short stanzas had to do with wisdom: things a wise person does and does not do, the benefits of wisdom, and so on. I seems that interpersonal relationships are considered to be a sound basis for determining a person's character.

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